Hi spinners, thanks for checking in for today's article.
As you've probably seen in the video today, I demonstrated 3 never ending tricks.
In this article, I'll tell you their names as well as their notation, they are doable for beginners, so don 't worry.
Stick till the end to find out where you can get the awesome nonslip pen mod I'm using in the video!
Trick #1: Charge Continuous
This trick is very simple but requires hours of practice as well as muscle memory.
You can hold the pen in slot 12, 23, or 34, but for a beginner slots 12, or 23 are easiest.
For information on reading notation, Check out my article below:
Slot 34 involves the pinky which is weak so I wouldn't recommend that slot if you are starting out.
Hold the pen in the finger slot and keep it horizontal.
When starting out rest the back end of the pen in your thumb.
Slowly swing the pen away from you and bring it back to start position.
To do this continuously, wiggle your fingers to keep it spinning like how I am.

Trick #2: Double Charge Continuous
Start the pen in slot 23, and do a charge.
Bend your index finger forward in front of the pen and bring index back.
This will transfer the pen to slot 12 but don't catch.
Bend your index finger back down, while the pen is still in motion.
This will pass the pen back to its starting position.
Repeat the steps to do it continuously.
The double charge uses movements from the twisted and war[ed sonic.
Stay tuned to the blog for a tutorial on those tricks!

Trick #3 The Tornado
Begin with the pen in slot T1, closest to your thumb.
Push the pen towards you, allowing it to spin over your thumb and index finger which are touching.
Keep your thumb and index finger pressed together as the pen rotates over them and onto the back of your hand.
As the pen completes the spin, swiftly catch it in slot 12, between your index and middle finger.
It should end in the same position you started, allowing you to repeat the trick!

Pen Mod Link
The pen mod I used in this video is called the Tomzegna Nonslip Beginner.
It has just the right amount of weight to get momentum but it's not too heavy.
It is very good in my opinion because it doesn't slip out, nonslip is a very desirable trait for beginners and intermediates.
Check it out in the link below:

Please buy one if you are ready to start your pen spinning journey!
Just remember, I am an amazon associate, and by purchasing from my link, I earn a commission but at no cost to you.
Your purchase will help keep this blog going, so if you'd like to help me out, please use my links to buy pen mods!
It won't cost you anything and you'd do me a favor, and I will repay it in kind by continuing this blog!
Thanks for reading all the way to the end, peace out spinners!
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