Four Foundational Pen Spinning Moves

Published on 26 May 2023 at 13:44

If you want to master the trade that we call penspinning, mastering these 4 basic moves would be your first step towards mastery.

Penspinners refer to these tricks as the fundamentals, and in this blog post, I will provide insight on how to do them.


Trick#1: Thumb around

Make a peace sign with your index and middle fingers, with the palm side facing up.

Put the pen in the center of the sign.

Push with your middle finger, and after release your index.

This will launch the pen, the final step is to learn the catch.

Start pushing without much force in order to find the right amount of force to get it over your thumb.

Trick #2: Charge

This trick can be started in any slot with the exception of t1.

For beginners, don't use slot 34, use either 12, or 23.

Curl your fingers inwards and hold the pen like how I am in the picture.

You can put the end of the pen nearest to your thumb on the thumb flap to generate a force.

Fling fingers back outwards and straighten them.

Then bring pen back in so that you end in the starting Position..

Trick #3: Sonic

Hold the pen in slot 23.

Push the pen towards you and use the thumb to generate force.

Remove the thumb and bend your middle finger down.

Make a triangle with your index, middle, and ring finger.

Catch the pen in slot 12.

Trick #4: The Fingerpass

Start the trick in the 12 slot. 

Bring your index finger down, and pass it to the 23 slot.

Keep doing so until the pen reaches slot 34.

When going back up, instead of bending fingers to pass, bring them up.

Keep doing so until the pen reaches the 12 slot.
This is one complete fingerpass, but it can be repeated indefinetely.

Thanks for reading all the way through the end, additionally these products may help you out in penspinning:

They come from amazon, so rest assured, they are reputable.

Help support this blog by using my links, it costs you nothing:

Finger Sleeves

Nonslip Beginner Pen Mod

Heavy and Durable Pen Mod


Just a reminder that as an amazon asociate, I earn commission on sales, but am not employed by or directly related to amazon.


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